Mother, This Solution to Overcome Stuttering in Children

Stuttering is a speech disorder that generally occurs in children. This condition usually only occurs temporarily or only in childhood. However, this condition can also last into adulthood. Recognize how to overcome stuttering in children, so that children can communicate smoothly. In some children, stuttering is actually one part of learning to use words and language. This condition can generally heal by itself without the need for expert help. However, in some children, this condition can continue into adulthood. The exact cause of a child stuttering is still unknown with certainty. But it is estimated, stuttering occurs due to a mixture of various factors. Like neurological factors, genetic, and stuttering during development. In addition, a child's risk factor for stuttering can also increase if there are one or more people in the family with the same condition, the child stutters for more than six months, and the child has other problems in communication. In addition, boys generally tend to be more at risk of stuttering than girls.

Overcome Stuttering Problems This Way

Stuttering can have various effects on children. Starting from the problem of communication, to the psychosocial impact on children. Recognize the following methods for dealing with stuttering in children:

    Pay attention to Patient Speech

    Dealing with a stuttering child requires more patience. Listen carefully and carefully what is said by your child. Don't let him feel you are disturbed or impatient listening to him talk. In addition, as much as possible avoid interrupting the conversation or keep asking what he wants to say.

    Speak calmly

    In addition to paying attention to what he is saying, try to talk calmly and slowly. Make the home atmosphere calm, comfortable, and ask other family members to also talk calmly to your child.

    Avoid These Words

    When you find out your child has a speech stutter, you might want to say. "Speak slowly", or "Try speaking more clearly" but it is recommended to avoid saying that. This is so that your child does not lose his confidence.

    Encourage Your Child to Read

    You can also invite your child to read out loud. Reading aloud can teach your child to breathe well while talking. Even though it may be difficult at first, try to help it slowly.
In addition, try to take the time to talk alone with your child. This is expected to help him in dealing with problems in communication. Although this condition can disappear in a matter of months, but if the stutter does not go away after more than six months, immediately consult this matter to the experts.


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