With a pH that is greater than the pH of ordinary drinking water, alkaline water is believed to be able to provide a variety of benefits for the body.
pH is an indicator of the level of acid or base in water which is assessed on a scale from 0-14. Neutral or acidic water has a pH of 7. Acidic water has a pH of less than 7 and alkaline water is more than 7. Each of these figures represents a 10-fold change in acid / base. So water with a pH of five times ten is more acidic than water with a pH of six.
The pH level in water is strongly influenced by the chemical content in it. Therefore, pH is often used as an indicator of whether the water has undergone chemical changes or not. Water with a pH that is too high or too low, each has side effects. Highly acidic water can corrode or even destroy metals. While water that is too alkaline usually feels bitter and can cause deposits that line the pipes and utensil.
The pH level of drinking water is generally 6 to 7. But there is also drinking water with a higher pH level, which is 8 to 9. Drinking water like this is also called alkaline water. Some people believe that alkaline water can neutralize acids in the body.
Alkaline water
Alkaline water is still a fairly controversial topic of conversation. Many health experts oppose its use, because current research is still not enough to prove various claims regarding the benefits of alkaline water. However, several studies have shown that alkaline water can be beneficial in a number of conditions, including:
Alkaline water is thought to reduce stomach acid.
A 2012 study revealed that drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 can help deactivate pepsin (the main enzyme that causes stomach acid reflux) and reduce the acidity of the stomach contents. However, further research is still needed to prove this claim in humans.
Alkaline water is thought to slow down the growth of cancer cells.
Some theories say that cancer cells grow best under acidic conditions. Alkaline water is believed to help reduce blood acidity, so it is thought to be beneficial to slow down or stop the growth process of cancer cells. However, this theory is also widely opposed and there is still no recent scientific evidence to support its truth.
Alkaline water is thought to be beneficial for bone health.
Several studies have been conducted to prove this theory. A study in 2009 showed that alkaline water with high bicarbonate and calcium contents could increase bone strength. However, further research is still needed to see whether this effect is useful in the long term and whether it can help increase bone density.
In addition, alkaline water is believed to be a number of people able to increase metabolism, help the body absorb nutrients more effectively, and slow down the aging process. However, these claims have not been verified by the doctors.
If you want to try alkaline water, you can buy it at various supermarkets. But keep in mind once again, the various claims for the benefits of alkaline water still need further study and verification.
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